HUNDRED WORD HIT #303 - AVENGERS 1,000,000 BC #1
Avengers 1,000,000 BC #1 by Jason Aaron & Kev Walker
‘Revealed! The Phoenix’s connection to the birth of Thor!’ screams the cover. What pray tell do Aaron & Walker have in store for us?
Well, essentially there’s a bizarre love triangle between Odin, Phoenix and Gaea with some frost giants thrown in as villains.
Phoenix spurns Odin at the altar, Odin hooks up with Gaea and they conceive Thor, the frost giants come back for revenge and freeze baby Thor who’s promptly reignited back to life by the Phoenix power. The other Avengers hang around and mutter a bit but really don’t add anything to the story.
That’s about your lot.
Rating 6.5 out of 10